Sunday, June 20, 2010

Water Girl

I thrive in places near water; lakes, oceans, rivers, waterfalls.
I have always sought to live close by - an inner land girl I could never imagine myself to be.
It is by the water that I feel calm. Its life is in many forms; soft and nurturing in a brook, with the gurgling noises that it makes rolling over rocks to the great roar of the ocean waves.

This week I had the chance to go shooting at a waterfall in the early hours of the morning.
Soft light trickled through the trees and dappled on the top of the waterfall.

I have come home with an amazing collection of images from this trek through the forest to a hidden oasis. This world amazes me with its corners of sheer beauty.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How the colours mesmerize me.

I have taken the time this month to slow down and look at the world around me more closely.

I have taken the time to revel in the colours of the gardens around the neighbourhood .

Oh how the sights have mesmerized me. The deep shades of purple and orange, the vibrant yellows and hot reds have all called out to me - "Here we are. Here we are."

The month of June is a celebration of many flowers, in particular; roses, lilies and hostas.

With camera in hand, I walk the streets of my neighbourhood and take delight in the pride each homeowner has in their garden. For without their efforts, my casual walk would be grey.

Thank you dear neighbours for colouring the world with your flowers.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Into the Country

I had the chance to take the long way around to my destination yesterday.
This meant I could enjoy some country sights.
With camera in hand, I was pleased to witness the farm fields with crops deep green.
Signs of strawberry picking soon to happen. And the smells that you only find in the country.
Wildflowers growing in abundance alongside the roads. Fields of daisies. Buttercups.

I could travel the country roads all day. The beautiful sights. Of simple times. Of clean living. Fresh air.
Working the land. Growing real food.
Eating real food.
Pure and simple.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wild about Flowers

I took a drive yesterday and found myself along a country road, not far outside of town.

Along the sides of the road were patches of wildflowers; sunshine daisies and brilliant yellow buttercups.

I remember my mother used to pick a small bouquet of wildflowers during her early morning walks. She would then bring them home to brighten up the kitchen table.

And here I was, many years later, delighting in the very same simple pleasure.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Coffee is for the birds.

I was driving down the street the other day when I noticed, and how could I not stop the car, as there was this very large parrot on the front porch with his Madame. Here is Lynda's blue throated Macaw.

I was told that she loved her morning coffee and is just miserable until she is permitted to share some of her Mommy's coffee.

At the tender age of only ten, Kira has a long life ahead of her.
These Macaws can live to be 40 - 60 years old.

The Blue-throated Macaw is a rare treat to behold, being one of the rarest birds in the world. It has become known in aviculture only since the late 1970's!

For more general information, check this site:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Well, hello there.

I took a walk through a small wooded section by the marina yesterday.
When i sat down on the rocks, a chipmunk came to see if i had any food.
Well it was the cutest thing when he just jumped up onto my knee and looked into my face.
Gosh, it was the highlight of my visit to the lake.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weekend Wanderings

The weekend is here. Welcome to Saturday!

What better way to start my weekend than to get up before the world and head to the waterfront?Yes, i was up and out the door, with camera in hand, shortly after 6 am.
(i will most likely pay for this later)

I have been following the courtship and nesting of a pair of mute swans this spring. Lo and behold, on May 29, mama swan laid ten precious eggs.

After almost sitting on them for 35 days, the unseasonably hot and humid weather may have encouaged an early departure from their shells.

Out of the ten original eggs, three have been discarded and two remain unhatched in the nest. i am not sure whether they will hatch, even though mama swan took 5 days to lay her ten eggs.
The Canada Geese babies (goslings) were hatched earlier and are getting to be big. The pair at the park only have two wee ones. Well that surely is enough, as we are overloaded with Canada Geese in the parks, they don't seem to understand that their natural path of their life cycle includes migrating south in the winter. (i think someone forgot to send out a mass email to the ones that stay all winter.)

The early morning light was sweet on the "fur" of the goslings as they munched breakfast grass and then took a nap.

Life is good when you are a baby Canada Goose.

I'm off with camera in hand to see what other adventures await me out in the world.